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Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack Ps3

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by immabremy1988 2020. 3. 7. 09:56


Download Black Ops Annihilation Map pack Free on PS3This Video Tutorial will show you how to download Call of Duty: Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack DLC Free on PS3 and PC! Visiting following web site you will able to download Black Ops Annihilation map pack for free!For PC User:download Link: PS3 User: download Link: Web site informations you will able to download Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack for free on PS3 Or PC. This new Black Ops Annihilation Map pack content will adds four new multiplayer maps: Hangar 18, Drive-In, Silo, and Hazard, along with the requisite Zombies map, 'Shangri-La.' After recived your redeem code visit PlayStation Store and redeem it.

After that you will able to download Black Ops Annihilation map pack free on your ps3 and pc game. So any more questions send me a pm. This Video Tutorial will show you how to download Call of Duty: Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack DLC Free on PS3 and PC!

Visiting following web site you will able to download Black Ops Annihilation map pack for free!For PC User:download Link: PS3 User: download Link: Web site informations you will able to download Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack for free on PS3 Or PC. This new Black Ops Annihilation Map pack content will adds four new multiplayer maps: Hangar 18, Drive-In, Silo, and Hazard, along with the requisite Zombies map, “Shangri-La.” After recived your redeem code visit PlayStation Store and redeem it. After that you will able to download Black Ops Annihilation map pack free on your ps3 and pc game. So any more questions send me a pm.

Black Ops Annihilation Map Pack Ps3 2

First Strike was fun. Escalation rocked. But fans want more – they crave new battlegrounds and new experiences.

Black Ops developer Treyarch knows this, so they’ve been busy creating another fresh batch of DLC maps: Annihilation. The newest add-on content will be ready for download from the PlayStation Store starting Thursday, July 28th.Annihilation features four new standard multiplayer arenas – Silo, Hangar 18, Drive-In and Hazard – and the deadly jungle Zombies experience, Shangri-La. “The goals we set were about quality and variety,” says Treyarch’s Online Director, Dan Bunting. “We wanted to make everything feel unique and distinct.”Annihilation delivers on those goals with five all-new environments:Drive-In: This one-time American movie paradise once showed war movies; now it’s the location for one.

Black ops annihilation map pack ps3 1

The holes in the screen have been filled with snipers. The popcorn is stale, but they’re still serving up hot lead in the concession stand. “Drive-In is a small map, very fast paced,” says Treyarch’s Online Director, Dan Bunting (the nice bearded man from all those behind-the-scenes videos). “It’s similar to Nuketown in that it’s a fast, close-quarters map.”Hazard: Ah, the Cuban good life! This swanky golf course features lush greens, oceanic driving ranges, and long-range sniping opportunities straight down its deadly fairway.


Never mind getting a hole in one — try not to get lots of holes in you. Those skilled with assault rifles and sniper rifles will enjoy this one.Silo: If you’ve ever said to yourself, “This is a great map, but what it really needs are missiles launching right next to my ear, so every time I line up to snipe someone, I pee myself instead” – and really, who hasn’t? – this is the map for you.

Muddy sloped terrain, a smattering of construction equipment, and a few carefully placed sniper towers make this military outpost a tactical challenge regardless of game type.Hangar 18: This one’s a tribute to the Groom Lake military base where the government developed the SR-71 Blackbird – or, depending on the conspiracy theories you choose to believe, where they stored a recovered alien spacecraft. Either way, you’ll be in an out of buildings frequently here, not to mention using a multi-million-dollar piece of reconnaissance aircraft for cover. But that’s not the only secret project it’s hiding. “Hangar 18 has a couple of fun easter eggs,” hints Bunting.

“I can’t talk about them because it would ruin them.”Shangri-La: Welcome to the jungle, where the Zombies have taken over an ancient shrine. But be extra careful – the environment’s many hidden tricks and deadly traps can be used against you as easily as your undead enemies.

“It’s one of the more creative and clever map designs we’ve got so far,” says Bunting with pride. “The diehard fans are really going to appreciate the story hooks in this one as well.”Annihilation will be available in the July 28th — less than two weeks away. And as is the custom, the weekend that follows will offer all players double XP in celebration. See you at the drive-in! PlayStation Grid.

Game share with your friends people, split the cost with your buddies and game share it with each other. I like how the maps look really similar to Battlefield, especially the golf course map. Of course though COD maps are tiny cause they wan’t you to have action lol COD is way too arcadish compared to what is available now. Pretty soon it will just be the kiddies on COD. I’m looking forward to Battlefield 3, a realistic military shooter, not this lame crap Treyarch is regurgitating. Why do you think they drop so many lame map packs, cause people are bored with COD and they are trying to reel them back in.

It’s great to see a date for the PSN’s pack release. Instead of spouting irrational frustrations at you for an exclusivity deal for early release with the other console, I’d rather keep my glass half full.

Appreciate our ability to have our brothers (and sisters) from other mothers play test the maps and allow us more time to ensure their worthwhile purchase upon their inevitable release to us. But major kudos to you and your levelheadedness with the craziness that always follows a Call of Duty post.————————————————-End Prohibition. Support HR 2306-————————————————. There’s definitely some hostility and negative criticism inbound, but you have understand why folks are so upset.

It really does feel like the CoD brand is non-existent on the PlayStation platform. To give you an idea, a few friends and I were very, very excited to hear that there was a CoD Convention coming, and that it was right here in CA.

Even better, 100% of the proceeds are going to veterans! Unfortunately, we then found out that this convention would be an 360 exclusive event. It just feels like absolutely anything CoD related is snatched up and reserved for 360, with PS fans being treated as a second-hand fan base.I almost feel like I have to pick up my CoD games in a brown paper bag because it’s not the 360 version. Fans are stuck waiting it out because it’s the only way to get CoD, and waiting is certainly better than never getting it at all.

I just hope this stigma changes after MW3. For the first time ever, the CoD series finally has a real, true threat with Battlefield 3. Additionally, the folks at EA/DICE seem to be doing a great job leveling the playing field for the fan base.

I do hope you’ll take note of this and make changes in the future. I get your point, but I also think it’s worth noting that we are talking about a delay, not a denial. That is, the games are out for both platforms, and there’s a biz deal that staggers the DLC release — but other companies have created exclusive content for PS3 which never arrives on other platforms. Batman:AA’s Joker levels, Dead Space 2’s exclusive Extraction content, MK’s Kratosnone of that appears on 360, nor will it.PS3 players may have to wait a bit longer than they like, but they get all the COD content before long. Other consoles don’t have the same benefit.

These kind of platform bonuses swing both ways, and more often in your favor than I think people are eager to admit.TL;DR: Waiting’s a pain, but PS3 gamers have it good.And as for COD XPtickets are platform agnostic. All you have to be is a COD fan; the rest is whatever you bring with you. To add on to what shungokusatsu said. That is very true it does feel like us the PS gamers are second hand fan base, like we get the CoD leftovers from xbox 360.

And i was excited about the convention here in LA too, i started saving up money as soon as i heard it was coming but after hearing its a xbox 360 exclusive event i really feel like using my money on pre ordering battlefield 3 instead. Ive always been loyal to the call of duty franchise since its early days back when medal of honor was trying to be its competition and failed, and im sure millions of PS gamers as well but that loyalty is being repayed by giving everything to xbox and making us wait. I think i rather switch to a game franchise who cares more for its fan base and right now the folks at EA/DICE seem to be doing just that. They seem to be appreciating Playstation users more than activision. Spending your money on a game that looks good to you, I can understand. Not spending your money on an event that you would like to attend simply because it has a co-sponsor that is different from the one you would likeI have more trouble understanding. It’s like saying “I was saving up for a car, but they didn’t have it my color, so I’m going to spend that money on a vacation instead.” Both might make you happy, but you can’t drive a vacation, you know?


It’s apples and oranges; other than it’s your money and your choice, they’re very different and I suspect different things would lead you to purchase one or the other in the first place.I say this often, and I really mean it: You should always play what makes you happy. That includes multiple games from multiple developers and publishers, because you do have that option, unless you take it away from yourself. It doesn’t have to be either-or, and it’s not even a question of buying, but playing and enjoying (renting, trying a friend’s game, whatever). Since there seems to be no such thing called “taboo” in this particular thread, I think it’s time we lay it all on the line, eh Mr.

Amrich?So: just what was that delectable numerical value written on Microsoft’s check?I know, let’s think back:$50 million was Take-Two’s price for two GTA4 expansion packs maybe ol’ Bobby demanded double or nothing? We know how he likes his bonuses. So that makes it $100 million?Oh and what about the “Pre-order now for Xbox 360” that we see on the tail of every Call of Duty ad? Now that’s what I call aggressive. How much do you charge for those?

They’re no doubt worth a pretty penny. Hey, maybe half the population has been lead to believe CoD is exclusively on Xbox!

Ah, it’s genius! A masterstroke. Now THAT has got to be priceless.Gotta love those Microsoft dollars.

Such deep pockets never know when they’ll stop comin’. That’s gotta be a great feeling.Microsoft makes it RAIN! Dan Amrich thank you for replying to my comment. And you are very r we should play what makes us happy and what we enjoy from multiple developers.

Activision, rockstar games, capcom have alwaya been my favorite developers. But when it comes to the question of what games i spend most of my gaming time in its call of duty thats what makes me happy. But the delaying of the DLC packs frustrates most of the PS users on call of duty. Maybe if the delay was shorter it wouldnt be such a big deal. In regards to the event it feels like its more to atrract the XBOX 360 fan base rather than both fan bases.

Regarless im still debating about atempting to purchase a ticket for it. I appreciate you coming by here dan, it’s nice to see someone from Activision at least trying to answer the hard questions. I know you’re not heavily affiliated with them, but you are nonetheless.I think if we’re all being honest here, what bugs us PS3 users more than anything about these deals is that not only are we forced to miss out (I get it, business is business), but our copies of the game are literal ports from the 360 version.

We have a bluray drive in our PS3, and the hardware IS technically superior. These aren’t “Opinions”, but facts.And yet despite that, we get a copy of the game that, upon release, BARELY was functional on MP, and took nearly a month or two just to get it working. That alone made it obvious that it received no genuine testing.

It’s no secret that Activision and Microsoft love eachother alot. I’d love someone too if they constantly threw money at me. But when we’re getting the shaft not only in DLC, but also development, many of us question whether it’s worth continuing to support the franchise. Just from a “Is CoD enjoyable” standpoint, but from a principle standpoint also. I totally understand the frustrations. I think COD also occupies a tricky space: it’s enormous, so everything it does is magnified.

Every bug is going to be seen not by 100,000 people, but 30 million people (that’s the worldwide COD player count on all platforms last I heard). Every little problem is a big problem; every little criticism is a big criticism. And I also understand that it’s a nice problem to have, in one way — look at how many people have high expectations and care about the game, right? I’ve got games in my collection that I enjoy that have bugs, but since they are smaller hits (or sometimes not even hits) they don’t have a rabid fanbase saying “This! This!” so those bugs don’t even get fixed.Nothing’s perfect. Every game has something that isn’t as awesome as it should be. But I worry when people take that one step beyond and start making it a personal thing, or cooking up conspiracy theories that ultimately obfuscate a very simple truth: Games are made by human beings, even the giant ones.

Those people are trying to make millions of other people happy. Nobody’s out to try to ruin your gaming life, you know? Hey, I don’t mind the month wait.

It’s like XBOX 360 players are doing all the work while the PS3 players reap all the benefits. The Easter eggs look pretty difficult, I on the other hand, find the easy way. Watch youtube see how it’s done then get it done. I love playing zombies just to see how far I can get with a few buddies, not to waste my time figuring out a frickin Easter egg, thanks XBOX fans, you make zombie trophies so easy to obtain.

PS3 zombie slayer have it easy. Same goes for multi-player maps, study the maps on youtube so when it’s released on PS3 you don’t have to work on learning the maps. But I don’t play multi-player that much, so that doesn’t matter for me. I’ma zombies kinda guy.

That is until MW3 is released! We get wireless controllers that dont take batteries because they are rechargeable.– We get free internet like google, facebook, or even youtube.-I personally don’t think the 360 or PSN graphics aren’t all that differentNow the 360 is not terrible they both have different qualities and some people like certain ones that make them choose xbox. I think xboxs are confusing when you first get one, PS3s are easy to use. Xbox basically ripped the controller setting off PSN because they would be almost exact of the analogs were centered. Now i know this has nothing to do with map packs but this is one of the big arguments the PS3 and xbox are having these days. The users use the systems’ different qualities as arguments.

When two things have different qualities you cant judge which one is best.P.S. I think the PS3 should come with a headset too like the xbox, but other than that the PS3 has had no problems with me, i dont care about the 1 month wait for a map pack, you know you cant have evrything you want so tough it out deal with it, because its just a game.Call of The Dead was a little confusing and a litlle tough. Keep up the good work Treyarch.